Hotel Majoro

Nazca, Peru

The Hotel Majoro is a traditional Spanish villa with a rich colonial history. The Santiago de La Nasca Villa (as it was known originally) was founded by the Head Chief of the valley, Don García de Lanasca in the times of Viceroy Don Luis de Velasco (1596-1606). In 1698 the premises were given to the Saint Augustus Convent, until 1910 when it became a private property.

The aristocratic De la Borda family remodeled the old convent into a Casa Hacienda and in the 1980’s into what today is the Hotel Majoro. In 2005, Inversiones Majoro S.A.C decided to restore and modernize the premises, without losing its original enchantment. Today its amenities include lush gardens, a pool, and a cheerful restaurant.